In 2007 Udayani for the first-time started working with drop out children in Bishnupur-I block, West Bengal. Besides mainstreaming of those children Udayani felt to work with village women of Bishnupur-I block, because it wanted to work with women in grass root level. First of all, Udayani motivated the women in the villages to be united for their own development as well as empowerment. Formation of Self-Help Groups with women were the inception of today’s vast activities. In 2007, eight SHGs were formed which paved the way to save money for women to make them economically independent. Women shared their problems both personal and social in their weekly SHG meetings. Udayani trained the ordinary women to claim their rights and various Government schemes and income generating activities. Gradually SHGs spread out from one village to another to bring transformation among the women.
Udayani has a good network in the field to bring awareness among the ordinary women in the villages. Even though they have become aware still they need more trainings and support from Udayani. SHG women as well as their family members came to know about Violence against Women, Trafficking, Child Marriage, Human Rights, to be precise the women rights. Those training made them more vibrant and active in the field. They came out of the self and fought against the social evils around them. They learnt to speak in front of government officials and their spouses. They can demand their rights both in their families and the society around them. They have learned to take decision in family planning, children’s education and health. They were not getting permission to go out for any meetings, seminars or rally but now their families have realized the importance of women in the society and in their own lives. Thus, women are able to move around freely without
restrictions from the family. Home makers became change makers.
The women became the greatest support of their husband when it comes to finance. Added to that, those SHG women played a major role in law making in Right to Food movement. They took part in Dharna, Rally in Delhi, Chattisgarh, Jamshedpur and Plassey. They actively participated in giving deputation, to the Gram Panchayet, Block Development Office, District
Magistrate, State Government and Central Government. Women also gave demand letter to state level and central level government officials. This motivated the other villagers to send same letter to the Government. As a result of this movement, people got rice from ration shops for Rs. 2 per kilogram, Rs.6000 as Maternity entitlement, Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) and Midday meal scheme run very well in the villages.
After survey in Kerosene fare price shop, ration shop by Udayani staff and SHG women, ration dealers were careful in selling grains and kerosene oil from their fare price shop. They have decreased the corruption level in these shops.
Day by day the SHG numbers were increasing and the movement was growing. With the help of Udayani 10 to 12 SHGs formed a Federation. Bishnupur at present has 7 federations with 115 SHGs. These federation successfully went for income generative activities like – Nursery, Mushroom cultivation and Phenyl. they not only focused on economic development but also celebrate their success through “International Women’s Day”, and “Human Rights Day”. Through these programme they exhibit their talents. They convey a message for humanity and promise to achieve the goal of equality within the society.
Women are more daring, courageous and motivated. They dream about a peaceful society where the next generation can live happily. They want to work through the SNKS. While spreading social awareness women faced with many challenges from different people. They received threat but they never gave up because they were united and Udayani was always beside them.
The women were successful in achieving their rights; their demands were fulfilled gradually through Self Help Groups and federations. Udayani helped them in many ways to form the Movement. Unity is their strength; on this strength, they move on to form the NGO in 2019. Finally, on the 9th day of August, 2019 the NGO “SAMPURNA NARI KALYAN SANGATHAN” was registered officially. It is the first NGO in Bishnupur Block which is completely registered and run by women. The aim of this NGO is to empower women of the society, remove cancers like; gender inequality, trafficking, child marriage, violence against women, on the other hand tap the government resources to achieve the goal of rights of women in the society.